Conference: Gender, Society, and Networks between 1750 and 1820. Maria Carolina of Naples-Sicily, a Prism of her Times?

Queen Maria Carolina of Naples-Sicily serves as a prism, or more precisely as an intersection of overlapping crossovers that enables us to contextualise broadly defined social, economic, and political developments of the late-eighteenth and early-nineteenth centuries. This crossover should be weiterlesen Conference: Gender, Society, and Networks between 1750 and 1820. Maria Carolina of Naples-Sicily, a Prism of her Times?

Intercontinental Crosscurrents “Transatlantic Women at Work: Service in the Long Nineteenth Century” Virtual Conversations Continued

April 7, 2 pm– 4 pm (Berlin, CET) via Zoom “The London and Berlin Lyceum Clubs – Service, Transnational Advocacies and Nationalist Self-interest before World War I” by Christine Spreizer (Queens College/CUNY) Response by Joanne Paisana (University of Minho, Braga, weiterlesen Intercontinental Crosscurrents “Transatlantic Women at Work: Service in the Long Nineteenth Century” Virtual Conversations Continued

CFP: Feminism Is a Battlefield. Wie erforschen wir Konflikte der Queer- und Frauenbewegungen? 06.05.2022 – 07.05.2022

„Wie erforschen, was sich bewegt?“ (Susanne Maurer) Wie lassen sich Queer- und Frauenbewegungen analysieren und befragen, wenn sie gleichzeitig als soziale Bewegungen stetig in Veränderung, in Bewegung begriffen sind? Feminism is a battlefield. Wie erforschen wir Konflikte der Queer- und weiterlesen CFP: Feminism Is a Battlefield. Wie erforschen wir Konflikte der Queer- und Frauenbewegungen? 06.05.2022 – 07.05.2022

Program: 3rd Conference of the Intercontinental Crosscurrents Network: Crosscurrents Conversation Series 2021

Monday, June 7 8:30 am (PST); 11:30 am (EST); 3:30 pm (GMT)5:30 pm (CET) via Zoom (approx. 2.5 hours, including break) Keynote: “The Humanitarian Work of Clara Barton,” Jake Wynn (Missing Soldiers Office, Washington, D.C.) Network Meeting and Three Minute weiterlesen Program: 3rd Conference of the Intercontinental Crosscurrents Network: Crosscurrents Conversation Series 2021

Rallying Europe: Intersectional Approaches to Youth and Gender in the Mid-Twentieth Century 10.06.2021 – 11.06.2021

The turmoil of the mid-twentieth century saw young people mobilized for action across Europe in an unprecedented manner. This workshop approaches interwar history by looking through the lens of age and gender as interdependent categories of historical analysis. Rallying Europe: weiterlesen Rallying Europe: Intersectional Approaches to Youth and Gender in the Mid-Twentieth Century 10.06.2021 – 11.06.2021

Manufacturing Collectivity: Exploring the Nexus of Gender, Collectivities, and Law 02.06.2021 – 04.06.2021

In the beginning of this june, the DFG-funded research group “Law – Gender – Collectivity. Processes of standardization, categorization and generating solidarity” is inviting you to an interdisciplinary conference. Manufacturing Collectivity: Exploring the Nexus of Gender, Collectivities, and Law DFG weiterlesen Manufacturing Collectivity: Exploring the Nexus of Gender, Collectivities, and Law 02.06.2021 – 04.06.2021

Women, Gender & Sexuality Network of the Social Science History Association

The Women, Gender and Sexuality Network of the Social Science History Association calls for panels and papers for this year’s annual meeting in Philadelphia PA and online. 47th Annual Meeting of the Social Science History Association Philadelphia, PA, November 11-14, weiterlesen Women, Gender & Sexuality Network of the Social Science History Association

Edited Volume on Female Fighters in Diverse World Regions and Organizations

Although the sheer number of women participating in combat units and armed battle all over the world has been steadily increasing since World War II, academic research has been hesitant to investigate the manifold aspects of this phenomenon until recently. weiterlesen Edited Volume on Female Fighters in Diverse World Regions and Organizations