
Julia Nitz is Associate Professor at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany, founding member and managing administrator of the Intercontinental Crosscurrents Network. Her research foci include American cultural and literary history of the 19th century (especially Southern states and transatlantic connections), women and gender studies, representation of enslavement and national commemorative spaces, cognitive narratology and historiography, as well as film studies and the Anglophone Caribbean.

e-mail: julia.nitz[at]

Sandra Habert Petrulionis is Distinguished Professor Emerita of English and American Studies at Penn State University, Altoona and one of the founding members of the Intercontinental Crosscurrents Network. Amongothers, her research interests include 19th-century American literary studies, the history and literature of slavery and abolition, Henry David Thoreau, Louisa May Alcott, and Mary Moody Emerson.

e-mail: shp2[at]
Current CV

Noelle Baker is an independent scholar, and she lives in Denver, CO. She holds a PhD in English from Georgia State University, Atlanta. Baker's publications and research focus on Transcendentalism, women’s writing and history, the history of women’s rights, and manuscript culture.

e-mail: noelle.baker[at]


Deborah Besseghini received her PhD in Humanities from the Università degli Studi di Trieste, Italy. She uses ‘informal imperialism’ as an analytical tool in her analysis of the crisis and fall of the Spanish Empire. Her research has drawn attention to the importance of British business and personal networks in South America, at the highest levels of trade, finance and politics. She is currently working on publishing a series of articles and a book in English based on her PhD thesis (i.e. the networks and initiatives of the first ‘unofficial’ British consul in Buenos Aires, Robert P. Staples, later consul in Mexico).

e-mail: deborahbesseghini[at]

Alice Bailey Cheylan was an Associate Professor at the University of Toulon, La Garde, where she also was Head of the Department for Applied Foreign Languages at the Faculty for Literature and the Humanities at the University Toulon, La Garde. She holds a PhD from the University Aix-Marseilles in the field of modern and contemporary literature and expression. She was the head of the department for applied foreign languages at the faculty for literature and the humanities at the University of Toulon La Garde. Her research interests include British and American literature, women studies and the representation of women in literature.

e-mail: alicecheylan[at]

Jaime Costa received his PhD from the University of Salamanca, Spain. He is currently an Assistant Professor at the Institute of Arts and Humanities of the University of Minho where he teaches American Literature and American Society and Culture. He is also head of the MA program in English Language, Literature and Culture. His work covers a wide range of American topics including Literature and history and the arts. His current research projects focus on the historical process of creation of an American identity through the arts.

e-mail: jaco[at]

Daniela Daniele is Associate Professor for Anglo-American Literature at the Universitá degli Studi di Udine, Italy. She holds a PhD from the Graduate Center of the City University di New York. In her research she focuses on Louisa May Alcott, neglected transcendentalists, literary sculptors in Rome, Abolitionist feminism and European revolutions. She also runs an International Seminar on Anglo-American Poetry in Translation

e-mail: daniela.daniele[at]

Stéphanie Durrans is University Professor at Université Bordeaux Montaigne, France. She is a specialist of Willa Cather and the author of The Influence of French Culture on Willa Cather: Intertextual References and Resonances (2007) and of Willa Cather's My Ántonia: A Winter's Journey (2016). In her research she focuses on 19th- and 20th-century American women’s literature, women’s studies, transatlantic studies, and intertextuality.

e-mail: stephanie.durrans[at]

Jutta Gsoels-Lorensen is an Associate Professor of German, English and Comparative Literature at Penn State University, Altoona College. She holds a PhD in Comparative Literature from Yale University. Her current research focuses on forcible migration and displacement in literature, film and law. Relevant research has appeared in New German Critique, Arethusa, Mosaic, African American Review, Germanic Review, among others. She is currently working on a book manuscript on refugees and the city. Her interests also comprise undergraduate teaching innovation and inter-institutional public humanities projects.

e-mail: jmg35[at]

Bahar Gürsel is Associate Professor at the Department of History and Associate Director of the Graduate School of Social Sciences of METU where she teaches US cultural history, Cold War history, British history and Italian Unification. She contributed to the curatorial teams of several exhibitions that concentrate on photographic archives and related primary sources, and was the recipient of several international fellowships. Her areas of interest include social and cultural history of Europe and the United States, nineteenth-century children’s literature, ephemera studies, visual culture, and the representation of the East in the West.

e-mail: bgursel[at]

Paula Alexandra Guimarães is Assistant Professor of Arts and Humanities (English Studies of Literature) at the University of Minho (Braga, Portugal) and Director of the Course in European Languages and Literatures. She is also a senior member of CEHUM Research Centre (NETCult Group), working on her areas of interest: Intercultural Poetics, Romantic and Victorian Studies, Women’s Poetry and the connections between Literature and History / the Sciences, and Affect Studies. She supervises four PhD theses and has a forthcoming book on Literary Representations of the Foreign Other (2019-20).

e-mail: paulag[at]

Laura-Isabella Heitz is a PhD candidate at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg where she received her M. Sc. in 2019 and works as a Research Assistant at the Department for English and American Studies. Her research interests include environmental justice research, environmental activism, Native American activism, and cultures of protest.

e-mail: laura-isabella.heitz[at]

Jason O. Hoppe is the Director of the Writing Fellows Program and Writing Center at Harvard Law School. Formerly, he was associate professor and the founding director of the Stokes Fellows Program, Mounger Writing Center, and West Point Writing Program at the U.S. Military Academy. His scholarly and teaching interests include nineteenth-century American literature, especially women writers, as well as the history of reading practices and canon formation.

Katrin Horn is professor of Gender Studies at the Institute for British and North American Studies at the University of Greifswald. Her research and teaching focus on queer and gender studies, media studies, literatures of the long nineteenth century, and the history of knowledge. She is the coordinator of the digital project, which collects and annotates material relating to the role of gossip for the transnational celebrity of Charlotte Cushman, and the work of US expatriate gossip journalists during the nineteenth century.

e-mail: Katrin.horn[at]


Katherine G. Lacson is Assistant Professor at the Department of History at Ateneo de Manila University, Q.C. Philippines. She holds a PhD in History, University of Cote d’Azur, France. Her research interests include Philippine History, Women's History, Visual History, and Business History.

e-mail: klacson[at]

Verena Laschinger is a founding member of the European Study Group of Nineteenth-Century American Literature and specializes in narratology and photography studies. She teaches American Literature at the University of Erfurt, Germany.

e-mail: verena.laschinger[at]

Khristeena M. Lute is an Assistant Professor of English at the State University of New York Adirondack where she also is the Director of the Center for Reading and Writing. She holds a PhD from Middle Tennessee State University. Her research interests include American Literature 1865-Present, Film Studies, Transatlantic/Intercontinental Literature, Southern Women Writers, New Orleans Literature, and Writing Center Administration.

e-mail: lutek[at]

Ana Gabriela Macedo is a University Professor at the Deparment of English and North-American Studies at the University of Minho, Portugal. Her research interests and projects include Gender, Arts, Interart Poetics, Critical Theory, Modernism, Postmodernism.

e-mail: gabrielam[at]

Etta Madden is Professor of English, Emerita, Missouri State University, where she has taught courses on American literature before 1900 as well as utopian literature and women writers. She has also taught in Italy at the University of Pisa and the University of Catania.  Her recent book, Engaging Italy: American Women's Utopian Visions and Transnational Networks (SUNY Press 2022), focuses on 19th century US expatriate women writers. Her current project is a biography that focuses on ill health, marriage, and transatlantic travel. 

e-mail: EttaMadden[at]

Anitta Maksymowicz, PhD, is a curator at the Muzeum Ziemi Lubuskiej in Zielona Góra, Poland. Her research interests and projects comprise nineteenth- and twentieth-century Polish and German overseas emigration, especially to the USA and Australia, activities of American  women of Polish origin for Polish WWI veterans in the USA, and migrations and resettlement in the Polish “Western Territories” after 1945.

e-mail: a.nitta[at]

Mihail Mindra is an independent researcher currently living in Paris and working on a book on Mary Antin. Former Associate Professor of American Literature with the University of Bucharest (Romania), teaching twentieth and twenty-first century fiction and poetry. Brandeis University Fulbright fellow and J.F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies grantee. Author of numerous studies on American literature and culture.

e-mail: mihai.mindra[at]

Joanne Paisana is Assistant Professor in the Institute of Arts and Humanities, University of Minho. She is responsible for the teaching etc. of English/British Culture at undergraduate and post-graduate levels. She has held various administrative posts and been elected/served on various boards at the Institute level. She has worked and published in the Education field too and is currently interested in various aspects of Memory Studies as well as women and philanthropy in the Victorian and Edwardian periods.

e-mail: jpaisana[at]

Margarida Esteves Pereira is Associate Professor at the Institute of Arts and Humanities at the University of Minho, where she is head of the Department of English and North-American Studies. Her research focuses on the areas of English Literature, Women's Studies and Gender and the relationship between literature and film. She holds a PhD in English Literature.

e-mail: margarida[at]

Gabriele Pisarz-Ramirez is Professor for American Studies at the University of Leipzig where she teaches American literature and culture with a special focus on race and ethnicity in the United States. Her research interests comprise the fields of 19th century inter-American relations, transnational studies and critical regionalism, Latino/a studies, migration studies, and 21st century concepts of race and ethnicity.

e-mail: pisarz[at]

Dr Anne Poelina is a Nyikina Warrwa (Indigenous Australian) woman who belongs to the Mardoowarra, the lower Fitzroy River in the Kimberley region of Western Australia. Poelina is an active Indigenous community leader, human and earth rights advocate, filmmaker and academic researcher, with a Master of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, Master of Education, Master of Arts, Doctor of Philosophy & Doctor of Health Science and is Managing Director of Madjulla Incorporated.

e-mail: majala[at]

Dr Charlotte Purkis is an independent scholar based in Oxford UK. She is a specialist on European Modernisms and the performing arts and has several publications on women's networks from the late 19th century to the mid 20th century. As a contributor to two volumes of the Edinburgh History of Women's Periodical Culture in Britain she highlights new perspectives on the work of women critics of the performing arts. She is currently working on female experience of Richard Wagner.

e-mail: Drcharlotte.purkis[at]

Elizabeth Russell is an Associate Professor at the Department of English and German Studies, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, Spain. She holds a PhD in English Literature from the University of Barcelona. She is interested in Women’s Studies and Feminist Theories, Utopian Studies, Studies on Women and Cities, and Indian Women Writers.

e-mail: liz.russell[at]

Sirpa Salenius, PhD, is Associate Researcher at Laboratoire de Recherche sur les Cultures Anglophones (LARCA) (Paris, France), affiliated with the University of Eastern Finland (Joensuu, Finland), and External Affiliate at University College London (UCL) Sarah Parker Remond Centre for the Study of Racism and Racialisation (London, UK). Her research interests and projects focus on Transatlantic Studies, on examining the presence of American artists and writers in Italy, on exploring gender, sexuality, and race in the transatlantic context; her recent projects examine cosmopolitanism, space, and nineteenth-century African Americans in Europe.


Inês Tadeu F. G. received her PhD in Cultural Studies from the University of Minho, Portugal. She has been a lecturer at the University of Madeira, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures, since 2000,  where she teaches Anglo-American Cultures and Civilisations, Contemporary Great Britain and English Language courses. With several publications, her research interests include Historical fiction, Women Studies, and Memory Studies, namely the (trans)cultural memory of the woman-as-witch and the woman with inversionary behaviour.

e-mail: inest[at]

Pia Wiegmink is currently Interim Chair of American Studies at Regensburg University, Germany. In June 2019, she submitted her habilitation entitled “Reconfiguring the Nation: Transnationalism and Gender in American Abolitionist Literature." In 2017, Pia Wiegmink has been visiting professor at York University, Toronto. She received her doctorate from the University of Siegen (2010), Germany, and is author of two monographs, Theatralität und Öffentlicher Raum [Theatricality and Public Space], Tectum 2005, and Protest EnACTed, Winter 2011.

e-mail: wiegmink[at]

Andrew Wildermuth is a PhD student in North American Studies at the University of Erlangen–Nuremberg, where he is a member of "The Sentimental in Literature, Culture, and Politics." He is interested especially in affect and critical theory, and readings of U.S. literature with attention to race, settler colonialism, and the aesthetics and politics of reform. His dissertation is a comparative reading of "malleability" in the American Renaissance and the Harlem Renaissance.

e-mail: andrew.wildermuth[at]