Conference Report: 4th Intercontinental Crosscurrents Conference – Virtual Conversations

Conference Report: 4th Intercontinental Crosscurrents Conference – Virtual Conversations “Transatlantic Women at Work: Service in the Long Nineteenth Century” April 7, 2 pm– 4 pm (Berlin, CET) via Zoom “The London and Berlin Lyceum Clubs – Service, Transnational Advocacies and weiterlesen Conference Report: 4th Intercontinental Crosscurrents Conference – Virtual Conversations

Conference: In between Violence, Sexualization and Intimacy / Genderperspektiven auf Nationalsozialismus und Holocaust

Die zweitägige Tagung im kollegialen Austausch am Geschichtsort Villa ten Hompel beschäftigt sich mit Genderperspektiven auf Nationalsozialismus und Holocaust. Die einzelnen Tagungsschwerpunkte setzen sich mit Handlungsräumen, Verzeitlichungen und Gender auseinander: von Weiblichkeits- und Männlichkeitskonstruktionen im Holocaust über sexualisierte Ausbeutung als weiterlesen Conference: In between Violence, Sexualization and Intimacy / Genderperspektiven auf Nationalsozialismus und Holocaust

Conference Report: Making Women Visible in Philosophy and History of Science

Report by: Lisa Brunner / Tanja Eigner-Grassmugg / Sarah Seinitzer Date: 21.08.2023 Zentrum für Wissenschaftsgeschichte / Institut für Philosophie, Universität Graz, Graz (Austria) 07.03.2023 – 08.03.2023 Are women and their achievements visible in current academic discourses and how did these weiterlesen Conference Report: Making Women Visible in Philosophy and History of Science

CfP: Transatlantic Perspectives on Sport & Physical Culture in Germany and the USA during the 20th Century

Over the course of the 20th century, sport and physical culture had immense repercussions for German American relations. The conference seeks to bring together original scholarship to elaborate on how sport and physical culture impacted the ways German and American weiterlesen CfP: Transatlantic Perspectives on Sport & Physical Culture in Germany and the USA during the 20th Century

CfP: Trans(-)Turns in Nineteenth-Century Studies

Interdisciplinary Nineteenth–Century Studies 2024 March 21–24, 2024Hyatt Regency HotelCincinnati, OH Trans–“across, through, over, to or on the other side of, beyond, outside of, from one place, person, thing, or state to another”; “beyond, surpassing, transcending” (OED). Whether in bridging divides weiterlesen CfP: Trans(-)Turns in Nineteenth-Century Studies

Conference: Doing Gender in Practices of Doing History: Engendered Performances of the Past

Since practices of doing history and doing gender are inextricably linked, the workshop aims to explore this nexus in more detail. How are notions of history and gender being co-produced in practices of doing history? How do perceptions of history weiterlesen Conference: Doing Gender in Practices of Doing History: Engendered Performances of the Past

CfP: Transatlantic Women’s Networks: Cultural Engagements from the 19th Century to the Present

11th – 12th May, 2023Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Lisbon, Portugal Call for PapersThe conference Transatlantic Women’s Networks: Cultural Engagement from the 19th Century to the Present aims to provide a space to unearth, discuss, map, and (re)situate networks and circuits of weiterlesen CfP: Transatlantic Women’s Networks: Cultural Engagements from the 19th Century to the Present

Conference: Gender, Society, and Networks between 1750 and 1820. Maria Carolina of Naples-Sicily, a Prism of her Times?

Queen Maria Carolina of Naples-Sicily serves as a prism, or more precisely as an intersection of overlapping crossovers that enables us to contextualise broadly defined social, economic, and political developments of the late-eighteenth and early-nineteenth centuries. This crossover should be weiterlesen Conference: Gender, Society, and Networks between 1750 and 1820. Maria Carolina of Naples-Sicily, a Prism of her Times?

Program: 3rd Conference of the Intercontinental Crosscurrents Network: Crosscurrents Conversation Series 2021

Monday, June 7 8:30 am (PST); 11:30 am (EST); 3:30 pm (GMT)5:30 pm (CET) via Zoom (approx. 2.5 hours, including break) Keynote: “The Humanitarian Work of Clara Barton,” Jake Wynn (Missing Soldiers Office, Washington, D.C.) Network Meeting and Three Minute weiterlesen Program: 3rd Conference of the Intercontinental Crosscurrents Network: Crosscurrents Conversation Series 2021