Conference Report: 3rd Intercontinental Crosscurrents Conference – Virtual Conversations

Conference Report: 4th Intercontinental Crosscurrents Conference – Virtual Conversations “Transatlantic Women at Work: Service in the Long Nineteenth Century” Monday, June 7 Keynote: “The Humanitarian Work of Clara Barton,” Jake Wynn (Missing Soldiers Office, Washington, D.C.) Network Meeting and Three weiterlesen Conference Report: 3rd Intercontinental Crosscurrents Conference – Virtual Conversations

Conference Report: 2nd International Crosscurrents Conference

Conference Report: 2nd International Crosscurrents Conference The Dynamics of Power: Inclusion and Exclusion in Women’s Networks during the Long Nineteenth Century Nov. 3 – 5, 2016, Braga (Portugal) University of Minho/Institute of Arts and Humanities Department of English and North-American weiterlesen Conference Report: 2nd International Crosscurrents Conference

Conference Report: 1st Inaugural Intercontinental Crosscurrents Conference 2013

Conference Report: 1st Inaugural Crosscurrents Conference 2013 Women’s Networks across Europe and the Americas (1776-1939) December 5–7, 2013, Lutherstadt Wittenberg The conference focused on the literal and metaphorical networks created and navigated by women from the American Revolution to the weiterlesen Conference Report: 1st Inaugural Intercontinental Crosscurrents Conference 2013

Conference Report: 4th Intercontinental Crosscurrents Conference – Virtual Conversations

Conference Report: 4th Intercontinental Crosscurrents Conference – Virtual Conversations “Transatlantic Women at Work: Service in the Long Nineteenth Century” April 7, 2 pm– 4 pm (Berlin, CET) via Zoom “The London and Berlin Lyceum Clubs – Service, Transnational Advocacies and weiterlesen Conference Report: 4th Intercontinental Crosscurrents Conference – Virtual Conversations

Conference Report: Making Women Visible in Philosophy and History of Science

Report by: Lisa Brunner / Tanja Eigner-Grassmugg / Sarah Seinitzer Date: 21.08.2023 Zentrum für Wissenschaftsgeschichte / Institut für Philosophie, Universität Graz, Graz (Austria) 07.03.2023 – 08.03.2023 Are women and their achievements visible in current academic discourses and how did these weiterlesen Conference Report: Making Women Visible in Philosophy and History of Science