Former Members

In Memoriam of Margaret Simmons Vining (1933-2018)

Margaret Simmons Vining was a founding member of the network. From the beginning, she was never tired of supporting its mission of bringing together scholars from the Americas and Europe to research women's networks. Committing her life to promoting the recognition of women in military history as a curator at the Smithsonian's Division of Armed Forces History, Margaret never retreated one inch from her demand of the inclusion of women in the national memory of armed conflict. We shall always fondly remember her frontier work on women's history, her gentle way of inspiring others to follow suit, and her overall engaging and kind personality.


Theresa Schön was Assistant Professor at the Interdisciplinary Centre for European Enlightenment Studies (IZEA) at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg. She is a founding member of the Intercontinental Crosscurrents Network. Her research interests are the relationship of science and literature, conceptualization of norm and deviance in literature and culture, literary, philosophical and cultural concept of character.