Related Conferences — Calls for Papers

Call for Papers: Virtual Conference

Organizers: Dr Amelia Bonea (University of Heidelberg) & Dr Irina Nastasă-Matei (University of Bucharest)

Submission deadline: 15 January 2021

The twentieth century has often been hailed as a period when women became important in science, but their participation in scientific inquiry and practice often remains buried, quite literally, in the footnotes of specialist publications and studies of the history of science. Even today, national statistics about women in science are not always easily available. The data that does exist suggests there is significant regional and cultural variation in how women engage with science globally. Recent UNESCO surveys, for example, point to a contrast between the former Soviet republics of Central Asia, where almost half of the researchers employed in science are female, and East, South and West Asia, where that proportion drops significantly to 23 percent or less. Similarly, in Eastern European countries female researchers tend to be better represented in science fields than their Western European counterparts. Perhaps ironically, that relationship is reversed when we turn our attention to studies of the history of science in the twentieth century: the scientific pursuits of women in Western contexts have consistently enjoyed more visibility than those in regions like Africa, Asia or Eastern Europe. The Biographical Dictionary of Women in Science (2000) is emblematic of these trends, listing as it does a mere 17 scientists from India, China and Japan, as opposed to more than 500 from Great Britain, and featuring entries up to the 1950s, a period that roughly overlaps with decolonization in Asia.

This two-day virtual conference, accompanied by a roundtable discussion, brings together scholars from different disciplinary backgrounds to address two main, interrelated questions:
How did women contribute to the making and communication of scientific knowledge in the twentieth century? How do we study the history of women in science during this period? We begin from the premise that encounters with science happened in a multitude of settings and that statistical data, while essential, provides only a superficial insight into the myriad experiences of women in science and, indeed, what science itself meant in different regional and cultural contexts. Our aim is to move beyond the popular ‘heroine’ model to investigate the many hidden figures who worked not only as professional scientists, but also at the periphery and even outside of scientific communities as lab technicians, amateur scientists, school teachers, librarians, journalists or science writers. In so doing, we hope to raise new questions and formulate new methods for writing the history of women in science. What, for example, do textbooks, forgotten footnotes in scientific papers, conversations about female colleagues in male scientists’ correspondence or photographs of Indian women toiling at archaeological sites teach us about the history of women in science?

Possible topics include
Gender and the historiography of science: theories, methods and archives Pedagogy of science: government policies around science and education, women in tertiary education, science clubs, science in the home, science education in religious institutions Cultures of scientific practice: laboratories, fieldwork, secondary school teaching, scientific instruments, relationship between professional and amateur science Scientific communication: scientific periodicals, mass media and science journalism, museum work, popular science writing, photography, the arts Representations of women and gender in science Women and scientific networks: personal and professional networks, associational culture

Keynote speakers: Prof Emerita Mariko Ogawa (Mie University) & Prof Andrea Pető (CEU)

We welcome contributions from both experienced and early career scholars. We encourage especially scholars working in/on countries and regions that are less represented to apply, in order to promote a global dialogue on this matter. Please send your proposals for 20-minute papers (abstracts of max. 300 words), along with a brief biographical note, to by the deadline of 15 January 2021. Successful applicants will be notified by 15 February 2021. The conference will be held virtually via Zoom or heiCONF and participants will have the option of presenting their papers live or in pre-recorded format. For queries please do not hesitate to contact the organizers at the above email address.

Travel Literature and Transatlantic Encounters: “The Iberian Peninsula as seen from North America (1850-1950)“ (2/29/2020)

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This conference is part of the research project „Exotic Spain: American Travel Literature about Spain (1900-1950)“ (ATLAS) funded by the Research and Knowledge Transfer Office of Alicante University (GRE18-14 A). The project focuses on the study of a corpus of American authors who traveled to Spain in the first half of the twentieth century, especially on those texts that look beyond the vision of Spain related to the experience of the Spanish Civil War.

ATLAS addresses, from an interdisciplinary perspective, a variety of literary texts and analyzes how the vision of Spain has been constructedand how the uses and customs of the chroniclers—as opposed to local uses— influenced their writing and their representation of the territory. Following Mieke Bal, who in Travelling Concepts in the Humanities (2002) invites us „to explore the intellectual excitement of interdisciplinary cultural analysis”, ATLAS plays with the boundaries between literature, linguistics, history, geography, visual arts and philosophy to explore the perception of Spain within a particular historical context, which deserves further critical attention. The project also traces the routes drawn in the different travelogues to construct the authors’ literary cartographies with an informative and pedagogical purpose in mind.

This conference aims to be not only a discussion forum on the project itself, but also an opportunity to further explore both the physical and intellectual journey that these traveling experiences involved. For this purpose, we welcome paper and round-table proposals that deal with the presence of writers, intellectuals and American travelers in the Iberian Peninsula between 1850 and 1950 including, but not restricted to, the following topics:

  • Literary creations—fictional and non-fictional—based on traveling.
  • Testimonial and autobiographical writing, literary chronicles, travel writing.
  • Contrastive studies on travel writing.
  • Traveling and chronicles in times of war and postwar.
  • Travel experiences and their correlation with visual arts.
  • Philosophical approaches towards travel experiences.
  • The “Self” and the “Other” in travel experiences.
  • Traveling and travel experiences from a gender-based perspective.
  • Spatial criticism, representations of rural and urban spaces.
  • Artistic and architectural tourism.
  • Studies on corpus linguistics and travel literature.
  • Traveling and travel experiences from an ecocritical perspective.
  • Traveling and geography: geocriticism and geolocalization; literature and cartography and study of the territory.
  • Approaches towards travel experiences within a historical framework.
  • Sociological, anthropological, ethnographic approaches towards travel experiences.
  • Travel literature and digital humanities.

The following plenary speakers have been confirmed:

  • Dr. Pere Gifra Adoher (Pompeu Fabra University)
  • Dr. Eulalia Piñero Gil (Autonomous University of Madrid)

Please, submit your proposals in English or Spanish (250-300 words and 3-5 keywords) to by February 29, 2020.

Call for Articles: Travel Narratives and Real-Life Fiction, The Lincoln Humanities Journal (6/15/2020)

The Lincoln Humanities Journal (ISSN 2474-7726) is requesting article submissions for its 8th special issue, to be published in December 2020, on the topic of Travel Narratives and Real-Life Fiction. Contributors are invited to examine specifically (a) the evolving forms of life-writings (biographies, autobiographies, memoirs, diaries, blogs, etc.) as they pertain to travel; (b) the intersection of fictional and factual travel narratives, and (c) the emotional, economic, socio-political, environmental, physiological, and literary aspects of travel (in reality and in fiction; by land, sea and air; on earth and in outer space). We welcome approaches across a broad range of disciplines such as literature, history, political science, anthropology, religion, popular culture, philosophy, visual arts, and social media. Topics may include but are not limited to:

  • The concept of travel: historical and philosophical perspectives
  • Travel writing, Life-writing as genre
  • Biofiction, biography, autobiography
  • Travel journalism
  • Travel in film, theater, literature, and television
  • The Internet of places: Pictures and videos of other places, cultures, etc.
  • Modern tourism
  • Adventure  and exploration
  • Travel for business, pleasure, family reunion, aid work
  • Travel for education (study abroad, etc.)
  • Pilgrimage & religious travel
  • Modes of transportation
  • Environmental  impact of travel
  • Travel to the moon and beyond; The sci-fi connection and influence
  • Tourism in international relations (migration, spying, etc.)
  • Temporary living and/or working abroad (mission, etc.)

Important Dates & Deadlines

  • Deadline for Full Article Submissions:    June 15, 2020
  • Acceptance Notification:                            60 days after submission
  • Projected Date of Publication:                   December 2020          

Submission Guidelines

  1. Include an abstract of 200-400 words (in MS Word)
  2. Include a biographical note of 50-250 words (in MS Word)
  3. The article should be 4000-6000 words, including the abstract, the footnotes and the works cited
  4. Include the following statement in the cover e-mail: “I solemnly confirm that the attached manuscript has never been published elsewhere, under this, or another title.“
  5. Include name, professional affiliation, phone number, and email address in the cover e-mail.

Formatting Guidelines

  1. Manuscripts should conform to MLA-style guidelines as detailed in recent editions of MLA Style Manual and Guide to Scholarly Publishing. For an MLA Style Works Cited format overview, please check the following web resource:…
  2. Use font Georgia # 12. The entire article, including the abstract and the indented quotations, should be double-spaced, and in MS Word.
  3. The final submission must comply with other formatting guidelines, to be communicated upon notification of acceptance. 

Submission & Review Process

  1. Manuscripts should be sent to the editor, Abbes Maazaoui (
  2. Articles undergo a double blind review and their publication depends on the peer-review process.
Travelers through the Heart(s) of Empire
Wednesday 17th – Friday 19th June 2020
Reid Hall, Paris
  • David A. Chang (University of Minnesota)
  • Nika Collison (Haida Gwaii Museum)
  • Michael H. Crowe (Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians)

In 2006, Anishinaabe artist Robert Houle (Sandy Bay First Nation) conceived Paris/Ojibwa during his residency at La Cité des Arts in Paris. Partly a commemoration of the 1845 visit of Maungwudaus and his troupe of performers, and partly a “reply” to the contemporary responses of French writers and artists the work reflects on the history and politics of encounter, and on disappearance. The piece recalls Indigenous ties to the land, while also alluding to the untimely deaths of members of Maungwudaus’s troupe and family while on tour. The resulting installation invited renewed encounter between Parisian publics and that Anishinaabe history, through a contemporary Anishinaabe presence in the city.

This conference, drawing on the work of the “Beyond the Spectacle: Native North American Presence in Britain” project, seeks to build on the growing body of work examining Indigenous travel across the Atlantic, broadening the scope of our present project from Britain to Europe more broadly, and from North American/transatlantic to global concerns. If Houle’s project is one example of the ways travel both creates and illuminates historical memory, while also offering the opportunity to examine and enliven ongoing connections between Indigenous and European spaces and communities, how else do these legacies of colonialism manifest on European soil? How do they critique and commemorate that past?

How do/can they transcend the colonial context? And what do they mean to contemporary communities, whether Indigenous or European? Maungwudaus and others left accounts of their experiences in Europe; what do those accounts, and contemporary reverberations such as Houle’s artwork, do to their public audiences’ understanding of the spaces they travelled through, as well as the places they came from? How do they inflect an Indigenous-centred understanding of the transnational turn; deflect or otherwise destroy the binary of Indigenous (local/static) and modern (global/mobile); or contribute to the exigencies of post-Imperial history and its implications in other fields? And finally, what practical, material change can the examination of these moments and modes of encounter, in spaces that invite collaboration between Indigenous and European participants, bring about for current practice in academia, museum studies, and the culture industry more broadly, particularly in regard to the relationships between institutional practitioners and communities?

We welcome the full range of traditional approaches—20 minute papers, panels, roundtables—and are very open to more innovative responses to subject matter—poster presentations, video presentations, performances, collaborative/interactive sessions, as well as to non-academic proposers.

Topics that may be covered include, but are not limited to:

  • Historic and contemporary journeys by both individuals and groups— their root causes and impacts, e.g.: Sport, military (esp. the First and Second World Wars), activism, commerce, diplomacy, captivity, and performance
  • Commemorations /reverberations of historical journeys
  • The legacies of travel to home communities (incl. artistic and literary responses)
  • The ‘residues’ of travel in destination communities (incl. artistic and literary responses)
  • ‘encounter’ between different groups of non-European travellers
  • How to make European archives more accessible to Indigenous scholars and communities
  • Decolonizing European archives and institutions
  • Fostering Indigenous-centred Indigenous Studies in Europe
  • What it means to be gathering in Paris (or any other major city of a colonising power)
  • Fostering mutual, ethical relations between IS practitioners in Europe and Indigenous communities
  • Reframing Centre and Periphery
  • Confronting/transcending the spectacle

Papers: please send 250 word abstracts and a short bio.

Panels: panel proposals of no more than 3 speakers should include a 100 word summary of the overall theme, plus 250 word abstracts per speaker. Please include short bios for all contributors, including chairs/respondents.

Roundtables: please outline the proposed discussion in roughly 250-300 words and include bios of all intended participants that make clear how they will contribute to the discussion.

All Other Formats: please describe the intended contribution in 250 words or so, include a brief bio, and a full list of any facilities (space dimensions, audio-visual, etc.) that would be required so that we can understand feasibility.

Please send all proposals to: by 31 December 2019.

38th APEAA Conference
Dates: 27-29 April, 2017
Venue: University of Minho, Braga, Portugal
Department of English and North-American Studies (DEINA)

The University of Minho, through its Department of English and North-American Studies (DEINA), is pleased to announce the 38th Conference of the Portuguese Association for Anglo-American Studies,  which will take place in Braga, between 27 and 29 April 2017. Following  the format that was introduced in 2016, it is now opening its call for  papers and panels in a range of subjects in Anglo-American studies.

We look forward to receiving paper and panel proposals in the  academic areas which are currently part of Anglo-American Studies,  including (but not restricted to): Literary Studies, Cultural Studies,  Post-colonial Studies, Performance, Film and Theatre studies, Gender and  Sexuality studies, Translation Studies, Linguistics, Discourse  Analysis, Language teaching and methodology, Multilingualism. Proposals  for panels, put together around a common theme or research domain, are  particularly welcome. We also welcome papers and panels on other  Anglophone studies, such as Canadian, Irish, Scottish, etc.

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Border Crossings:Translation, Migration, & Gender in the Americas, the Transatlantic, & the Transpacific
Society for the Study of American Women Writers & Université Bordeaux Montaigne
Dates: 5th – 8th July 2017
(Deadlines: 30 June for Complete Panels; 31 August for individual papers)
Venue: Université Bordeaux Montaigne, France
Conference director: Stéphanie Durrans

To maintain a continuity with our previous conference (in Philadelphia, November 2015) on liminality and hybrid lives, we would like this first SSAWW conference in Europe to address the significance of “border crossing[s]” in the lives and works of American women writers. Such experiences have always been important to American women. Early diaries and travel notes left by 17th– and 18th-century women provide us with valuable records of and about their migratory experience to the New World and their lives and experiences in America. Besides offering more records of such experiences, the 19th century also witnessed an explosion in travel writing, fiction, and poetry treating with travel, as growing numbers of American women writers could afford to travel across Europe and more widely.

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American Fiction on World War II in Europe (panel)
@ Other Europes: Migrations, Translations, Transformations – MLA International Symposia: Translating the Humanities (Düsseldorf, Germany, 23–25 June 2016)

In a recent comparative study on the literature of the World War II produced in major combatant nations, critic James Dawes maintains that “there is a palpable sense that the work [American literature on World War II] is a lesser part of the American literary canon” (Cambridge Companion to the Literature of World War II, ed. Marina MacKey, 2009), particularly when compared with the corpus of literary texts which engage with the America Civil War or the war in Vietnam. Dawes’ analysis reviews Irwin Shaw’s The Young Lions (1948), Herman Wouk’s The Caine Mutiny (1951), James Jones’s From Here to Eternity (1951) and The Thin Red Line (1962), Norman Mailer’s The Naked and the Dead (1948), Joseph Heller’s Catch-22 (1961), Kurt Vonnegut’s Slaughterhouse-Five (1969), Jerzy Kosinski’s The Painted Bird (1965), and Thomas Pynchon’s Gravity’s Rainbow (1973). Panelists are sought for a workshop on American fiction on World War II in Europe, which is planned to take place under the aegis of Other Europes: Migrations, Translations, Transformations – MLA International Symposia: Translating the Humanities (Düsseldorf, Germany, 23–25 June 2016). The panel aims to explore how the direct and / or indirect experience of World War II in Europe translates into American fiction as well as the place of such narratives into the present transnational discourse on this topic. Papers on a more recent body of work, including genre fiction, are particularly welcome. Please send a 300-word abstract and a 1-page biography or CV by September 14, 2015, to Mihai Mindra at

ESSHC Women and Gender Network: Gender in a Globalizing World

Organizeres: ESSHC Conference Secretariat, c/o International Institute of Social History, Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Date: 30.03.2016 bis 02.04.2016

Place: Valencia

Deadline: 01.05.2015

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Gender and Sexuality in the Global Sixties. CFPs and Publication – Tucson 11/15

Call for Papers and Publication (edited book)- Social Science History Association (SSHA) Conference, November 12-15, 2015, Hyatt Regency Baltimore, Maryland

Gender and Sexuality in the Global Sixties

The 1960s are often remembered as an era of progressive global liberation when a myriad of social movements gained momentum, when armed revolutionaries toppled governments, and when young people braved fierce opposition in their attempts to push the world towards freedom and equality. We want to draw back this nostalgic curtain to re-examine this crucial decade. Who were the global social actors of the long 1960s? How did they re-imagine society and what actions did they take to either provoke-or resist-change? What were some of the (unexpected) alliances among individuals and groups that emerged in the process? What kinds of conflicts existed, arose, were resolved, or persisted? And how can we trace key points of reference between individuals and groups as they challenged (or upheld) political structures, gender systems, and models of sexual desire?

The deadline for the submission of abstracts is February 15, 2015.

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SSAWW Conference 2015

The Society for the Study of Women Writers (SSAWW) invites proposals on any subject related to the study of American women writers, but specifically on the broad conference theme `Liminal Spaces, Hybrid Lives`. Topics for discussion may include (among many others): crossings, immigration and/or citizenship, transatlantic, transcontinental, and transgender.
Confirmed keynote speaker: Ana Castillo
Philadelphia, 4-8 November 2015
Deadline CfP: 13 February 2015 for all proposals

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Italo-America: Transatlantic Connections and Italian (Cultural) Studies

Looking more closely at the transatlantic connections between Italy and the USA since at least the nineteenth century, the edition aims at discussing a range of transatlantic networks and experiences – expressly on both sides of the Atlantic. Proposals may be sent in English, Italian, French, or German.
Editors: Sabine Schrader, Daniel Winkler (University of Innsbruck, Austria)
Edition: lettere aperte
Deadline for articles: 31 December 2014
Deadline for abstracts: 30 September 2014

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Bosch Foundation Archival Summer School for Young Historians 2014 „American History in Transatlantic Perspective“

Archival Seminar for German and U.S. doctoral students in: Chicago, IL, Madison, WI, Boston, MA, and Washington, DC
1-12 September 2014

Extended Deadline: 30 April 2014

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The Global History of the Book (1780 to the present)

Hosted by: Oxford Centre for Global History, English Faculty`s Postcolonial Writing and Theory Seminar, Ertegun Graduate Programme in the Humanities, University of Oxford
4-5 December 2014
Ertegun House, University of Oxford
Deadline: 15 June 2014


Migrant Cross-Cultural Encounters: A Multidisciplinary Conference

Themes may include but are not limited to: Race, ethnicity and citizenship; War, migration and cross-cultural contact; Labour, migration and cross-cultural encounters; Empire, contact and mobility; Gender, migration, and cross-cultural encounters

University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand
24-26 November 2014
Deadline: 11 July 2014


Race, Gender, and Military Heroism in U.S. History from World War I to 9/11 – Frankfurt am Main 03/15

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Simon Wendt, Goethe University of Frankfurt 20.03.2015-21.03.2015, IG-Farben Building, Grueneburgplatz 1, 60323 Frankfurt, Room IG 1.314

In 20th-century America, military heroism became a key symbol of what was regarded as a heterosexual, masculine white nation. Military heroism thus became a major discursive battleground on which dominant notions of race, gender, and national identity were negotiated, challenged, and revised. The conference seeks to probe this complex interrelationship and how it changed between 1914 and 2014, asking how military heroism helped to construct and challenge racialized and gendered hierarchies in the United States. It seeks to examine how praise for heroic behavior on the battlefield or the refusal to give such praise became either a means of marginalization or a resource that minorities could utilize to protest against their marginal status. This process is closely linked to dominant notions of masculinity and femininity, to scientific and popular understandings of race, and to politicized ideals of heroism and American citizenship. It is this interrelationship that the conference will focus on.

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